My Story

Musician Software Engineer

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website! It's been an exciting journey arriving at the career of Software Development and being located in Chicago. I grew up on the island of Maui which I am eternally grateful for, not only because of its beauty, but because of the experiences I had living in such a unique and diverse location. Growing up I had many interests and hobbies, but as I got older I gravitated towards two main interestes - technology and music. After graduating High School, I went to the University of Oregon where I graduated with my Bachelors degree in Oboe Performance and went on to Indiana University to receive a Masters of Oboe Performance. After grad school I moved to Chicago to join the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, a two year program under the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

I first started learning about coding in 2017 after a friend told me about starting to code himself and it really interested me. Since then I have been learning slowly over the years, but really picked up pace during 2020 when I finished a Full Stack Development course. I was pleased to learn that the daily diligence, troubleshooting / problem solving skills and need to sort through and learn large amounts of material from my life as a musician very much coorelate to Software Developemt. I am very excited about my future in Software Development and look forward to hearing from you - let's make something meaningful!

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